Friendster: Easy Going?
door Ompol op dinsdag, april 20, 2004 op 04:29.
What is Friendster? Friend of mine asking, shocked me up on weekend. Honestly I dont know much. Errr It is just a network of friends I think. A trend eh? It is where people can get a friends, from other and other friends; where you can spent your time to reply those message in the board just for fun; where you can easily tell your friend in network about the party tonight, in one click; where you can give testimony, or got testimony about your character etc. And you may add some more. Then a testimony or more into question come to me: You are difficult guy, not easy going(!?) Am I? I dont know. All I know, I want everybody happy. Or, maybe better to ask my friends in friendster to give you testimonies. The mean time, I will party on.