Most of the times, whenever start to get close with a girl, jokingly I ask about possibility to have a friendship without 'love-thing'. Of course, it is kind of prevention, for the sake of not hurting any fragile heart. With high confidence, most of them said, “Sure, why not?” But when it comes to feels comfort to each other -unless considering physical appearance or other ideas, the answer grow weakly into, “Nothing wrong to add extra feeling into it.” Thanks for being lovely friend, wherever you are now. Indeed, missing you here.
Most of the times, whenever start to get close with a girl, jokingly I ask about possibility to have a friendship without 'love-thing'. Of course, it is kind of prevention, for the sake of not hurting any fragile heart. With high confidence, most of them said, “Sure, why not?” But when it comes to feels comfort to each other -unless considering physical appearance or other ideas, the answer grow weakly into, “Nothing wrong to add extra feeling into it.” Thanks for being lovely friend, wherever you are now. Indeed, missing you here.
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