What is privacy for you?
1. Wallet. I know, not much cash though ;). Just kind of respecting. Ego of a man, dont you think?
2. Mobile phone. Just a bunch of boring chat messages.
3. Being in toilet. Promise, will never share it with nobody, not even lover ...
4. Room. Just be myself, and no stranger.
5. Locker. Should I describe? Come on.
1. Wallet. I know, not much cash though ;). Just kind of respecting. Ego of a man, dont you think?
2. Mobile phone. Just a bunch of boring chat messages.
3. Being in toilet. Promise, will never share it with nobody, not even lover ...
4. Room. Just be myself, and no stranger.
5. Locker. Should I describe? Come on.
hi mas Paul,
apa kabar...?
pasti lagi sibuk belajar atau lagi ujian yah.
soalnya kamu nulis blog mu dirapel sih...:)
Iya Martha, tahu aja. Udah kelar sih kemaren. Apa kabar?
baik mas, walaupun sedikit sedih. penyebabnya another graduation from EMI...hiks. pada cabut aja gitu (loh kok jadi curhat). hehe...sori mas kebablasan.
keep writing yah!
Jadi sekarang, tinggal sapa aja yang bisa asyik bareng? iya dong, curhat!