Cool Human

Your fave sweets

I got something from Maryland! Thanks ya Tin! Even when she is often ‘datang tak diundang dan pergi tanpa pesan’, actually she is quite caring friend (love her so!), my neighbour. And she knows me well, something inside me. You see, here is quote from the notes attached:
Gw kirim gf! meski bisa aja lo ga gitu selera (gw juga herannya ga gt tertarik2 lg kayak dulu baca gf!)

And you’re absolutely right. Gue langsung aja pengen mencela! Hahaha. No, I didn’t do that. Don’t wanna wasting times with that. So? Prefer to watch movie. Its wasting time, because not sort kind of my movie. Let say, last Monday watching The Pacifier. Just a plain movie for kids. But then yesterday I watch Kinsey. Quite good drama about sex, and yet leaving me some question. Such as: is it possible sex without feeling. I know some would say, just have sex like a man. But is it just like that, not even involving any mutual feeling? May be, but I choose to add feeling into it. Well, it’s become a preference, right. But that’s what make it beautiful, isn’t it? We are human, we have feeling. Even if you said you’re cool.

Talkin about something cool, finally I eat something cool but ‘biting’ called wasabi, after the second time visiting Yamayu Santatsu. Don’t laugh, I always avoid it wherever before. Even M wondering, why I like hot spicy food but not wasabi. Believe me, its totally different. The next evening (Wed) is time for veggie, and that’s for Lebanese food.

The rest, was dealing with sweet Rossana and jeans which have to be washed in 90° to get the size smaller and enjoy this too. Errr final statement, hardly trying not to use my mobile.

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